Manos a la obra!

Puerto Rico is one of the most aesthetically pleasing islands in the Caribbean. The architecture in the city originated from the Spaniards so every building is just amazing to look at. Even the graffiti around the island is vibrant and motivating. The culture is so mixed that you can trace different techniques to diverse cultures. Most of our artistic pieces derive from very challenging times in our culture. When it was officially announced that the island filed bankruptcy, one of our famous doors of Puerto Rico, which had a colorful Puerto Rican flag painted on it, was painted in solid black and white paint. I used the picture earlier in the blog. Many were moved by the brave move the artist took, because it really symbolized the feeling of our nation.  Locals make it a habit to go visit the door and take pictures with it; to show we still stand by our lands even in the toughest of situations. Another well-known painting is El Velorio by Fransisco Oller. It represents a lot of ideologies and feelings we go through as humans when a loved one passes away. The best stories sometimes come from the most difficult situations, so embracing the struggle and creating something beautiful out of it is something we should all follow in example.

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